Embarking on a creative journey with Peeyo, the vibrant canned mocktail drink brand, Brandemic dived into a realm of refreshment and flavour. Peeyo’s commitment to delivering a delightful mocktail experience became the foundation for a comprehensive exploration of branding, visual identity, brand communication, packaging, web UI/UX, web development, and product photography.
Deciphering and translating Peeyo’s essence into a cohesive visual identity.
Designing packaging that not only showcased the product but also communicated the brand’s essence.
Creating a harmonious colour palette to align with Peeyo’s unique canned mocktail packaging.
Balancing distinct flavour representations while maintaining a cohesive brand image across the product line.
The packaging design went beyond aesthetics; it became a storytelling medium. Each can be transformed into a mini-canvas, adorned with lively illustrations that mirror the flavours within.
Brandemic extended the brand experience into the digital realm. The website was crafted with a user-centric approach, ensuring a seamless and visually engaging experience. From interactive flavour guides to a smooth online shopping process, every aspect of the web interface was designed to enhance the consumer’s journey.
By seamlessly blending technology with the brand’s essence, Brandemic ensures that every click on the Peeyo website is an invitation to immerse oneself in the delightful world of canned mocktail bliss.
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